Phone: (709) 237-2287

About Laurie
Laurie Harnett-Dawkins D.Ac R.Ac N.D., owner of Essence of Life, is a Registered Acupuncturist, certified Naturopath and certified IPL Laser Technician. She is a member of CTCMPANL (College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador), NLCHP (Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professionals), and ACNN (Academy of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists). Laurie is currently studying herbalism, working toward a Mater Herbalist Diploma.
Always having a curiosity and passion for natural healing and medicine, after a life of various interests and inspiring experiences, Laurie followed a dream that brought her to intensive studies in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Laurie completed her Acupuncture studies at Eastern College in 2011 with a Honors Diploma and Outstanding Student Award. In addition to Western medical portions, she studied TCM theory, diagnostics and application; acupuncture; fire cupping; gua sha; plum blossom (7 star needle); bloodletting; electroacupuncture; TCM nutrition; tui na massage; and tai chi. She is also certified in Reiki. Through continuous studies and research, she has a focus on musculoskeletal conditions, women's issues, cancer and mental-emotional disorders.
Laurie credits her own cancer diagnosis and recovery, diagnosed just a few days after the completion of her acupuncture studies, to the knowledge and insight she had gained in the previous years as a TCM student. Thanks to early detection and treatment, both TCM and Western, the genetic type of cancer she had was treated successfully, with a full recovery. Laurie continues to be cognizant and aware of her body and truly understands advocacy and taking responsibility for one's health first-hand. This, she teaches to her patients, whatever their condition.
Laurie's compassion, wisdom and dedication is very evident in her treatments. She is ever-motivated by the people who walk through her door, people whose lives become better after bringing their health and personal issues to her. For Laurie's patients, this may mean recovering from an accident or debilitating injury, celebrating the birth of a long-awaited baby, having relief from chronic pain, diminishing sinus problems without medication, healing an area without surgery or intensive intervention, getting support during a cancer diagnosis and much more. For Laurie, this means giving her best everyday to help those who come to her. Through a combination of her education, experience and skills, she often uses a variety of TCM modalities within treatment to give the best possible outcome for those who put their health in her hands. She strives to educate, empower and inform her patients, supporting their role in their own health and choices through patience, understanding and direction.
Laurie considers her treatment rooms as your haven.... it is your time and healing space. She has a great ear for listening and invites you to relax and let your worries free.

What is a Registered Acupuncturist?
A Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) is a professional who is thoroughly trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture. In addition to western medical study (anatomy, physiology, pharmacotherapeutics, etc.), TCM extensively covers internal/external theory and diagnostic procedures plus traditional modalities and their proper application in relation to diagnosis (includes acupuncture, points theory and location, fire cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, etc.). There is extensive study and application of needling techniques, protocols and safety plus clinical internship. After a minimum of 5 years post-secondary studies, involving a minimum of 3 years of pure TCM/acupuncture focus, a person is required to successfully pass an extensive registration exam. Here in Newfoundland and Labrador, and many other Canadian provinces, once the registration exam is completed, they may apply for membership to the government affiliated provincial professional body (college/council) for their professional designation of Registered Acupuncturist, given the title R.Ac. As a member of the professional body, there are strict guidelines that the R.Ac must adhere in order to practice. These includes regular ongoing training (continuing education credits), compliance with by-laws, safety procedures and much more, all deemed to ensure the safety of patients. Members are continually monitored in order to provide the highest safety and best quality to the public.
Be aware that not everyone who uses acupuncture in their practice is an and, therefore, does not have the same level of training, guidelines and requirements provided by the governing provincial registering body for a Registered Acupuncturist. For more information visit